by Luca Ciriello
“The video talks about part of a process of development cooperation in Tanzania (where I am working as volunteer with children of an orphanage), among two CBR (Community Based Rehabilitation) centers, the Cesc Project, the Dioceses of Mbeya and Njombe, Caritas, Gondwana, Italian and Tanzanian volunteers. The video shows the action of awareness and sale of self-produced Soap and Oil. The SIMAMA Soap is produced by the parents of children with functional diversity in Mbeya Area. The proceeds from the sales goes both to help the families of children with functional diversity (50%) and to support the Community Based Rehabilitation (50%). The INUKA Farm Project, instead, leads to the production of a double refined pure sunflower oil that contributes to the sustainability of the Community Based Rehabilitation and to empower people living with functional diversity through skill transfer and employment. The farm also aims to contribute to food security and poverty reduction in Njombe Region.”
Participants: Simama CBR (Mbeya – Tanzania), Inuka CBR (Wanging’ombe – Tanzania), Cesc Project, Gondwana, Caritas, Mbeya Diocese, Njombe Diocese
- Animation